Adult Education Classes with Liberal Judaism

Liberal Judaism’s Education Hub provides opportunities to learn and think about Judaism, faith and philosophy with Adult Education Classes on Wednesdays.  Term 1: 9 January – 6 February 2019, 6:30 pm Optional Ma’ariv (Evening) Service 7-9pm Classes (with a 20 minute break). Choose from: Modern Jewish Issues – Each week of this class will tackle a different issue and how it relates to Judaism. Topics include tattoos, kashrut and sexuality. Introduction to Judaism & Biblical Hebrew with Rabbis Danny Rich & Janet Burden. Leyning & Parashat HaShavuah – Learn how to leyn (chant from the Torah scroll) and take an in-depth look at the Torah portion of the week with Rabbi Nathan Godleman. Monthly Theology with Rabbi Charley Baginsky.  Dates: 30 January, 27 February, 13 March, 24 April, 29 May & 12 June. Drop in for one session, or attend the whole term. £5 per session Register for classes and find more details, including future classes at  Classes will be held at The Montague Centre, W1T 4BE.
Liberal Judaism does not want anyone to be unable to attend education hub classes for financial reasons. To enquire about financial assistance please contact

January 17, 2019