LJ Biennial Weekend – LJ Matters

Friday 19th May – Sunday 21st May
Staverton Park Hotel, Daventry Road, Daventry, NN11 6JT

Join us for our first in-person Biennial for five years! Liberal Judaism has grown a lot in that time, reaching more people than ever. The question is what’s next? How do we decide the future of the Movement and what the priorities should be? The Biennial is an amazing opportunity to be part of this conversation and ensure that the things that you care about are on the agenda!

Featuring three international keynotes: Rabbi Dr Lawrence A Hoffman, Rebecca Soffer, and Dr Joel M Hoffman

10 tracks packed full of LJ rabbis, LJ members and our collaborative partners

Of course there will also be everything you’d usually expect from an LJ Biennial. Services, spirituality, music, nostalgia, fresh ideas and fun (we’ve got a whole track dedicated to it this year!). LJY-Netzer will be running a parallel youth track and there’s a professionally staffed creche, so Biennial really is for all ages!

Book your tickets today at https://www.simpletix.com/e/lj-biennial-weekend-lj-matters-tickets-118879

Finances are never a barrier to attending any LJ events. Please contact us to discuss options. t.rich@liberaljudaism.org

We know that there are many members who can’t join us in person but would like to join our services.  Please click on these Zoom links so you can be a part of the weekend too!

Kabbalat Shabbat – Friday 19th May – 6:15pm


Password: KABSHAB

Shabbat Shacharit – Saturday 20th May – 9:00am


Password: SHACH

May 11, 2023