The Memorial Service for Rosita Rosenberg will be held on Sunday 20 March at 3.00 pm at The Liberal Synagogue Elstree.
It will be followed by afternoon tea and a chance to share your memories of “our” Rosita.
The service will also be available on Zoom. Click here to join
Meeting ID: 873 0160 2273 Passcode: 124578
Should you have a short memory about Rosita which you would like included (no more than 2 lines please) in the service booklet please email this to by 7th March.
Attending in person: RSVP to by 11th March including for security purposes your car registration. Should you require accessible parking please include this in your reply. The TLSE postcode is WD6 3EY and security will direct you to parking.
Arriving by public transport: either take the Underground Northern line to Edgware and then the 107 bus towards Barnet (The Bus station bus is next to Edgware station) or Thameslink to Elstree and Borehamwood Station and then the 107 bus towards Edgware (in the forecourt of the station). Both buses stop close to TLSE on the High Street.
Contact number on the day Monique Blake: 07787 395 825