Mosaic Liberal & Liberal Synagogue Elstree To Work Together

Representatives from the Council of Mosaic Liberal Synagogue and Trustees of The Liberal Synagogue Elstree have been in dialogue over the last few months to see what opportunities there might be for us to work together.  The TLSE Trustees agreed to approach Mosaic Liberal after hearing about their plans to re-locate to Stanmore in 2021 to explore the possibilities as we will become closer neighbours.

With no particular agenda or thoughts on where any discussions might lead, one actual meeting and a number of virtual meetings have taken place.   Adrian Cohen, Chair of Mosaic Liberal says: “With the full support of our Council we’ve had wide ranging discussions, from looking to the future to the present day issues affecting us both and the possibilities of our two communities working together”.

We have talked about the type of events and services to which one community could invite the other, and looking a little further ahead, about what activities would lend themselves to be held jointly.  Mike Walton, Chair of TLSE, says: “As we’re going to be so close together, it makes sense that we offer each other some hospitality.  I am sure that there are a number of opportunities for us to help each other”.

TLSE, a community of around 350 families with their own Synagogue building in Elstree, holds a daily short informal service at 6:30 pm each evening, streamed on Facebook.   Members of Mosaic are warmly invited to join Rabbi Pete Tobias – please join the TLSE Facebook group at where you will be made very welcome.

Mosaic Liberal Synagogue is a community of around 200 families.  They will be moving to a new Synagogue building in Stanmore towards the end of 2021, which will be home to all three Mosaic communities (Liberal, Reform and Masorti). Rabbi Rachel Benjamin is currently providing rabbinical and pastoral support services to them, and will serve as Rabbi on a part-time basis from 1st July until a permanent Rabbi is in place

June 11, 2020