Mosaic Liberal in-person services will be held fortnightly from Saturday 27th November, the first one being led by Rabbi Rachel. The services will commence at the usual time of 11.00 am at:
Avanti House Primary School
Common Road
Stanmore HA7 3JB
Common Road is a continuation of Brookshill, leading up from the Uxbridge Road to the former Alpine. The school is on the right-hand side 300 yards before the Alpine. There is ample parking on site.
If you plan to attend, please ring Adrian Cohen to advise him. 07973 222520.
This will be our first in-person service following Covid and is open to all members and friends. It will also be Zoomed in the usual way. (See the entry under Shabbat services for the code)
The room will be adequately ventilated. The seating will be socially distanced except for families or “bubbles” who can sit together.
Wearing a mask will not be mandatory, but members are asked to be aware of concerns that others might have and to be thoughtful and considerate in the circumstances