Masorti Judaism has launched a new series entitled “Masorti Thinks”. It’s open for all members to attend. It features many of the community rabbis discussing issues that explore what’s at the heart of Masorti ideology. It promises to be a very thought-provoking series about what a Masorti approach to life is. The talks will be held monthly until May 2021. The series continues at 11.30 am on Sunday 24th January with Rabbi Natasha Mann & Rabbi Adam Zagoria-Moffet discussing “Racism & Diversity”.
Rabbis Adam and Natasha will explore race and racial inclusivity as it appears in our history, what this means for Masorti Jews today and how we tackle racism, prejudice, and bigotry within our own and wider communities. Looking at ideas of race, difference, and diversity in biblical, medieval and modern Jewish sources will hopefully lead us to a better articulation of what anti-racism work should look like in our communities today.
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