Saturday 23rd February We will decant from the Girl Guides for a Shabbat Service. We have been invited by the Kol Nefesh community to join them for shabbat service, kiddish and lunch. This is a first and we are going to hold the HEMS service there. THERE WILL BE NO SERVICE IN HATCH END THAT SHABBAT. You will recall that Kol Nefesh is looking at their future development and is interested in promoting links with HEMS, in advance of our hopeful new building coming to fruition in 2020. We will be taking an active part in the service and Jonathan Fenster is going to be reading the Haftorah. Please support Jonathan and let us meet our soon to be hopeful new neighbours.
March will soon follow February and we have 3 items planned so far. We will not go into detail yet, but there will be:
- Guest student rabbi on a Friday
- Guest student rabbi taking services on a shabbat
- joint Purim service with the other local Masorti shuls.
Lots going on and we look forward to seeing as many as possible. We are all working for an exciting tomorrow today.