STOP PRESS Friday night service 6:45pm tomorrow February 9th 2024
Come along to shul tomorrow evening to welcome in Shabbat. After the service why not join friends from our partner shuls for a delicious pot luck supper.
Prayer book refurbishment
Some of our prayer books are in need of refurbishment. Please let Edwin know if you can spare an evening helping to extend the life of our older siddurim and Chumashim.
Alan Orchover’s stonesetting – new date
Please note that the stonesetting for the late Alan Orchover has been delayed till Sunday 17th March at 3.30pm
Thursday games
There are normally up to 6 car parking spaces available for people attending the games morning on the first and third Thursday of each month at Stanmore Hill. If you’d like to book a space please contact Ann at
Chanan Shuall 10/2, Tamar Italiaander 11/2, Samuel Allchild 11/2, Tony Allan 14/2, Paul Marmot
Lorraine & Jonathan Sarsby on their 42nd anniversary.
Dave Scott remembering his father, Cyril
Nicola Manton remembering her father, Jack Portnoi
Phil Austin remembering his father, Gerald
Frances Kafka remembering her father, Harry Nathan
Jocelyn Axelrod remembering her mother, Stella Judith Levey
Harold Segal remembering his mother, Serena
Michael Alexander remembering his mother, Agnes Susan
Joe & Avril Newman remembering their son, Anton
Aviva Gardner remembering her father-in-law, Henry Louis Gardner
Emmanuel Aharoni remembering his mother, Bessie
Sharon Grossman remembering her father, Gerald Brandman
Dan Honey remembering his father, Michael
Jael Kirschner remembering her mother, Rita Miriam
Jonathan Fenster remembering his father, Leon