Mosaic Masorti News

Sunday 26th May  Mazel Tov
Best wishes to Jordan Bayer-Goldman and Georgia Matthews on the occasion of their forthcoming wedding.

Sunday 2nd June  Yom Masorti 2024

There is still time to register for Yom Masorti on Sunday 2nd June at:  Masorti Europe / Yom Masorti Conference – June 2024

This bumper Yom Masorti will bring together Masorti Jewish community members, leaders, activists and rabbis from across Europe.

Learn more about the day as well as the full conference weekend by clicking the image link below:

Yom Masorti 2024

Sharing perspectives on being Jewish from where we are now Engage with the challenges and triumphs of being Jewish in Europe today. Choose the track you want with sessions on text, culture, Israel, spirituality, music, history and food. Go wide and meet fellow Masorti Jews from all across Europe. Go deep and remind yourself why you […]

Explore the full Yom Masorti schedule and book your place today here.

Please book by Monday 27th May for catering purposes.


Sunday 16th June – Sunday 30th June       It’s the Mosaic Masorti Grand Silent Auction! 

We are currently seeking auction lots. If you’d like to donate an item or a promise please contact Phil at:

Hopefully, with your support, we can assemble a bumper selection of lots.

The auction itself will go live in mid-June and members will be invited to make online bids during the auction window (June 16th through June 30th).

Members can also bid in person at our twin garden events on June 30th (see below).  Look out for more information and details of the bidding process.You could bag a bargain and help our shul to raise funds.

Sunday 30th June   Mosaic Masorti Summer Garden fundraiser   ………. save the date
Event 1: family fun picnic for young children and their accompanying adults (parents and/or grandparents)  followed (after a bit of tidying up) by:

Event 2: summer tea in the garden.
Please let the office know if you can help with baking, sandwich making or setting up.

Tuesday 11th June Shavuot
This year the holiday of Shavuot begins on the evening of June 11th.  After the holiday evening prayers enjoy a festive holiday meal with colleagues from our partner synagogues followed by Torah study until dawn! …  more details to follow.

Joe Newman 25/5, Traci Spivack 26/5, Gary Italiaander 28/5, Stephanie Segal 30/5, Leigh Fraylich 30/5.

Jean & Tony Allan on their 54th anniversary
Heather & Howard Eden on their 57th anniversary

Lynne Charkham remembering her father, Philip Sladen
Alan Usiskin remembering his father, David
Howard Carpus remembering his mother, Hannah Renee Kramer
Alison Imren remembering her daughter, Natalie Kinchuck
Andrea Hardy remembering her father, Jack Beerman
Linda Shuall remembering her sister, Pat Frydman
Vivienne Franks remembering her mother, Suzanne Cedar
Martin Royce remembering his mother, Hannah
Jocelyn Axelrod remembering her father Gerald Levey

May 23, 2024