Mazal tov to Reggie & Alan Goldner .
Birthday Wishes to:
Alan Grossman, Martin Shoffman, Alison Imren, Richard Buchalter.
Paulette Sachon remembering her mother, Rita Shaffer.
Janine Brockiner remembering her mother, Sylvia Matus.
Shelley Cooper remembering her father-in-law, Wolfe Rosenberg.
Maureen Aharoni remembering her father, David Baynard.
Please send any photos or articles to Ann in the office by Tuesday 22nd March for inclusion in the Pesach edition of Kehila. We already have an article about the Lechayim and lunch party but please share other news or stories. You may have treasured reminiscences of Passover customs or tales of Seder nights past to share.
We thank Aby, Anthony, Claire and David for hosting very successful Purim events.
2020 party photos
There are a select number of event photos on the web site.
Havdalah event
See our separate note about Masorti Judaism’s “Havdalah at Home”.
Seder Nights
If any member of Mosaic Masorti does not have a Seder to be part of, please contact