Service takers this Shabbat
Shacharis Chanan Shuall
Torah Service David Bright
Maftir Joe Newman This is his first time, so please support him.
Dvar Edwin Lucas
Musaf Simon Glass
Happy birthday wishes to Maureen Aharoni
Anne Pinkus remembering her father, Harry Cohen
Lynne Charkham remembering her father, Philip Sladen
Alison Imren remembering her daughter, Natalie
Andrea Hardy remembering her father, Jack Beeman
Last Friday night.
Many thanks to Anthony, Abi, Sarah and Nina Lazarus – Magrill for opening up their home for a wonderful Kabbalat Shabbas last Friday. There will be more open house Kabbalat shabbats so watch for the next dates.
Refuah Schlemahs
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset on a Friday. I am delighted to say that a number of members who have been unwell recently are making good progress. I am sure our prayers have helped.
Sponsoring a kiddish
If you would like to sponsor a kiddish for any special occasion, like birthday, anniversary, before going on a special journey, coming back from a special journey, please advise Ann in the office and she will see if the date is free We have two special kiddishim booked in the next 4 weeks, which is wonderful after such a long time where we could not have any.
Please join us on the 28th May for the special anniversary of Howard and Heather Eden. They are our second longest wedded couple. We wish them a hearty lechayim and many more years of lechayim in good health.
Walking is healthy
The summer is fast approaching and Henry and Barbara want to make sure we are all fit as a fiddle to enjoy the summer months ahead. The walks are fun and there is a refreshment built in at the end of the walks. Come along and encourage those that are free to come along too. I am told our 4 legged family members are welcome too.
Meetings with Student Rabbi Anthony
Anthony is always available to chat to congregants and meet up also. He has some wonderful ideas to bring to the shul on the Hill, involving all age groups. That includes you. If you have any wishes or ideas please advise Anthony
Visiting the not so healthyI
If you are feeling below par and would like Anthony to pay you a visit, please contact him directly
This week’s sedra.
This week’s sedra reminds us of Rosh Hashanah coming up soon. it is in 19 weeks plus a day from this shabbas. It therefore reminds us that we will be looking for lots of shofar sounders for post Neilah. If you would like to learn how to blow a shofar please drop an email to Ann, in the office as she is keeping a list. Let’s see if we can find a minyan of shofar blowers.