Service takers this Shabbat 16th July
Shacharis – Alan Goldner
Torah Service – Simon Glass
Maftir – Rabbi Anthony
Dvar – David Bright
Musaf – Marvyn Ellison
Happy birthday wishes to Mark Sachon
Mazal tov to Debbie and Ian Nissenbaum on their 20th anniversary.
Shelley Cooper remembering her husband, Simon Rosenberg, and Kezia Rosenberg remembering her father.
Julie Dysch remembering her father, Alan Schiller
Heather Eden remembering her brother, Derek Burns
Sally Brooks remembering her mother, Lilian Kaner
Dan Honey remembering his grandmother, Adele Honigwach
Jack Kushner remembering his father, Solomon
Ruth Soetendorp remembering her father, Jack Grant
Alison Imren and Frances Marx remembering their father, Frank Taylor
News items
Saturday 16th July
We will be hosting a special Mosaic Kiddish at the end of the Service for the wider Mosaic community in the Girl
Guide Headquarters after the service.
Moving in
Everyone has received the brochure about making donations towards the fit out of our new home. The brochure was sent out again, alongside the June Kehila magazine. We need your support. Please support us so we can make the new shul look just as inviting as our homes. Stanmore Hill as after all our new home.
We are hoping to move into our new home in around 4 weeks and would welcome schleppers to help schlepp our artefacts to our new home on the hill. Please contact if you would like to assist for a few hours.
Refuah Schlemahs
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset on a Friday.
Sponsoring a kiddish
If you would like to sponsor a kiddish for any special occasion, like a birthday, anniversary, before going on a special journey, coming back from a special journey, new home, restored good health, please advise Ann in the office and she will see if the date is free
Walking is still healthy
The Henry walks are fun and there is a refreshment built in at the end for all attendees. Join them every Tuesday to check it out for yourself. In the heat one can lose a few calories – before the cake part of the walk. Bring water or any drink to rehydrate.
Meetings with Rabbi Anthony
Rabbi Anthony is always available to chat to congregants and can meet up also in your home. If you have any wishes, or ideas, please advise Rabbi Anthony
Visiting the not so healthy
If you are feeling below par and would like Rabbi Anthony to pay you a visit, please contact him directly