Mosaic Masorti News

Service takers this Shabbat 27th August
Shacharis – David Bright
Torah Service – Marvyn Ellison
Leyning – Chanan Shuall
Maftir – Jonathan Fenster
Dvar – Gill Ross
Musaf  – Chanan Shuall
Sedra – Re’eh

Birthday wishes to:
Sheldon Grossman – 26/8
Paulette Sachon – 28/8
Maurice Ashkenazi-Bakes 28/8

Anniversary wishes to:
Natalie & Andrew Cohen on their 20th anniversary.
Simone & Brian Balkin on their 26th anniversary.
Alex & Simon Rutstein on their 20th anniversary.
Sharon & Howard Smith on their 10th anniversary.
Elizabeth & Mark Kosky on their 30th Anniversary.
Sue & Neil Mendoza on their 19th Anniversary.

Paulette Sachon remembering her father, Ivan Shaffer.
Michele Flatto remembering her father, Jack Flatto.
Gill Ross remembering her father, Sydney Shine.
Robert Pinkus remembering his father, Simon Pinkus.


Moving to Stanmore

Watch this space!



Sunday 25th September – Visiting Cheshunt Cemetery before the High Holy Days
It is a tradition to visit the graves of relatives and friends before the High Holy Days.  On Sunday 25th September, at 10.00 am, we will meet at Cheshunt cemetery for a short service when members may take the opportunity to visit the graves of loved ones. All are invited to join Rabbi Anthony in visiting graves of HEMS / MM community members, who did not leave close family. Please contact if you would like help with transport, to take you to and from the cemetery.


High Holy Day services
The High Holy Day Services this year will take place in the Arts Centre Complex. More details to follow. Please come and join us for Erev Rosh Hashannah service at the Arts Centre on Sunday 25th September.

We will be having Tashlich on the Monday around 7.00 pm followed by a service  at the home of Rabbi Anthony and Abi.


AGM for Mosaic Masorti
The AGM for Mosaic Masorti will be at 4.00 pm on Sunday 23rd October in the new shul building. Please come and join us all.


Sponsoring a kiddish
If you would like to sponsor a kiddish for any special occasion, like a birthday, anniversary, before going on a special journey, coming back from a special journey, new home, restored good health, please advise Ann in the office and she will see if the date is free





Refuah Schlemahs 
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset on a Friday.






Lifecycle Events
Rabbi Anthony is away on holiday until 5th September.

If you have any requirements during this time, please contact Edwin on or call him on 07973 312851.

August 25, 2022