Please read on for details of Mazeltovs, Covid Management, Pinner Cenotaph, Batmitzvah of Mia Brummel, Student Rabbi Anthony, 171 Days and KN appeal
We congratulate Sally and Stanley Brooks on the safe arrival of their granddaughter, Isabella Miriam Lily.
Covid Management
We have had requests from a number of members regarding mask wearing at services. We wish to encourage mask wearing so that congregants feel safe at services. There is a policy of open doors and windows to increase air circulation. We do have 4 sets of double seats adjacent to windows. We are maintaining social distancing etiquette.
Pinner Cenotaph at 10.15 on Sunday 14th November
Gill Ross will be laying the Mosaic Masorti wreath at 10.50 this Sunday at the Pinner War Memorial. Please support the community. It is a most moving occasion.
Mia Brummell is going to be batmitzvahed on Shabbat 27th November. Please come along and support Craig and Danielle, as well as Marvyn and Helen, on this special day. It is our first in house batmitzvah at our “home” this year. Watch the space as we have a barmitzvah of Craig’s son Danny coming up in February too.
Stone settings in memory of Gary Italiaander’s parents
The double stone-setting for Gary Italiaander’ s parents, who died earlier this year, will take place at 11.00 at Bushey New Cemetery on Sunday 28th November.
Student Rabbi Anthony
Student Rabbi Anthony Lazarus – Magrill will be joining us again and it will be on Shabbat 4th December. There will be a Latke and donut havdalah and all members have been invited under separate cover.
171 Days
It is now only an estimated 171 days till we hold services in the new building in Stanmore Hill. We need your help in membership development, as we are looking for a lot of new members to join us, in our new home. We have live enquiries from 6 interested people and we have set a target of 20 new members in 2022. Every new member will help us to thrive.
KN appeal
Many thanks to all of you who have contributed to date. We would like to ask those members who have not had a chance to donate as yet, to send any donation, as soon as possible, to the shul bank account, which are detailed below.
If you are paying by bank transfer, please use the reference Kol Nidrei 2021 and send to
Sort Code: 40-36-21; Account: 71366327.
Please designate a split for the two charities of your choice eg “£ XX for HEMS / MM and £ XX for Bereavement Care”, in a covering email to