Service takers this Shabbat 1st October
Shacharis – David Bright
Torah Service – Simon Glass
Leyning – Chanan Shuall
Maftir – Alan Goldner
Dvar – Rabbi Anthony
Musaf – Marvyn Ellison
Sedra – Vayelech
Nicholas Young, 21
6/10 Paulette & Mark Sachon, 35 years.
Howard Eden remembering his father, Rother Eden.
Reggie Goldner remembering her mother, Milly Spivack, and her father, Sololom Spivack.
Marvyn and Jeff Ellison remembering their father, Harry Ellison.
Shelley Cooper remembering her aunt, Sadie Keeman.
Robert Pinkus thanks Mosaic Masorti
I would like to thank Rabbi Anthony and the Community for all the love and support given to me and my family, on the passing of my dear wife Anne. Whilst life can never be the same, the knowledge that I am surrounded by so many friends, has truly sustained me, at this most difficult time. Wishing everyone a peaceful healthy new year. Shana Tova, Robert.
Sunday 25th September – Visiting Cheshunt Cemetery
Rabbi Anthony held a short service for members who wanted to visit graves of their loved ones. We will do so again in 2023 on Sunday 10th September just before Rosh Hashanah..
We would like to thank all the service takers at the Arts Centre location for all their hard work delivering meaningful services throughout Rosh Hashanah. Tashlich was also a first in Lake Stanmore where 13 members attended the throwing away of their sins.
Shabbat Shuvah Lunch & Learn
This Shabbat, after the service, in combination with Mosaic Liberal Community we will enjoy a lunch-and-learn from ~12.15pm. Those who plan to attend and would prefer rabbinically-supervised food should please inform Gill Ross. Alternatively, Mosaic Liberal Community have invited our members to share in a strictly vegetarian bring-and-share lunch. If you prefer the latter option, please contribute a dish if you are able.
Visitors who wish to attend Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur
We are delighted to be able to receive visitors for Yom Kippur Day Services this year. Please contact if you know anyone who would like to attend so we can add them to the list of guests.
Forthcoming bar mitzvah
The bar mitzvah for Orlando Kafka will be held at the Girl Guide Headquarters on Shabbat 8th October
Moving into Stanmore Hill Icon
Watch this space
We are still waiting on a definite date and hope to hear more news in the next week as to how we will be affected.. We will be wanting schlepping assistance and it may be at short notice. Thanks so far to Andy, Dave Scott, Gary, Gill, Joe, Julie and Marvyn. Please do not be shy.
AGM for Mosaic Masorti
The AGM for Mosaic Masorti will be at 4pm on Sunday 23rd October in the new shul building. Please come and join us all.
Sponsoring a kiddish
If you would like to sponsor a kiddish for any special occasion, like a
birthday, anniversary, before going on a special journey, coming back from a special journey, new home, restored good health, please advise Ann in the office and she will see if the date is free
Refuah Schlemahs and Meetings with Rabbi Anthony
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset on a Friday.
Rabbi Anthony is always available to chat to congregants and can meet up also in your home. If you have any wishes, or ideas, please advise Rabbi Anthony