Fourth Test Shabbat in Stanmore
We are delighted to announce that we will be holding another test service in the new building in Stanmore Hill this Shabbat 24th December. The service will start at 09.45 and we will all have a joint kiddish with the other 2 communities at around 1215. Whilst the building is not yet fully furnished, we will welcome any feedback from congregants to help us on our way to settling in.
Friday night service and dinner – 23rd December
Regrettably this has had to be cancelled as Rabbi Anthony is not well and is anxious that no one should catch any germs from him. We wish him “refuah shelemah”.
Visit of Yizhar Hess
Regrettably, as Rabbi Anthony is unwell, he will not be hosting Yizhar Hess at his home on Saturday 24th December. Yizhar Hess, current vice-Chair of the World Zionist Organization and former CEO of Masorti Israel, can still be heard on two other occasions. He is speaking at SAMS at 4.00 pm on Sunday 25th December (9, The Dencora Centre, Campfield Road, St Albans AL1 5HN). He is also speaking at Kol Nefesh (Rectory Lane, Edgware HA8 7LF) on Friday 27th December at 1.30pm. Members of Mosaic Masorti are warmly invited to join either of these sessions.
Chanukah Candle Lighting
Every night of Chanukah, excluding Friday/Erev Shabbat, candles will be lit in the new synagogue at 5.00pm. Please do come, and bring friends – drinks and doughnuts will be provided, and this will be a wonderful chance to celebrate with members of our fellow Mosaic synagogues.
Malts and Megillahs
As previously advertised, on Thursday 12th January we will be hosting a whisky tasting to raise funds for the restoration of our beautiful megillah. Save the date for now, more details to follow.
Talmud Class
On Wednesday 18th of January, and thereafter on a weekly basis during (roughly) school terms, Rabbi Anthony will be teaching a Talmud class. This is accessible to all, whatever your previous experience of Jewish learning, and texts will be provided in translation. All very welcome as we begin our learning in Masekhet Sotah with the burning question what do you do with a jealous husband?!
Claire Silverstone 17/12, Heather Eden 17/12, Linda Shuall 19/12, Ruth Grabski 24/12.
Joy Collins remembering her father, Sydney Linton.
Phil Austin remembering his mother, Millie Austin.
Elaine Glass remembering her father, Alf Jeffries
Dan Honey remembering his grandmother, Trudi Flach.
Sponsoring a kiddish
If you would like to sponsor a kiddish for any special occasion, like a
birthday, anniversary, before going on a special journey, coming back from a special journey, new home, restored good health, please advise Ann in the office and she will see if the date is free
Refuah Schlemahs and Meetings with Rabbi Anthony
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset
on a Friday.
Rabbi Anthony is always available to chat to congregants and can meet up also in your home. If you have any wishes, or ideas, please advise Rabbi Anthony