Mosaic Masorti News

Thinking of you 
The last week has moved from one of joy looking forward to Simchat Torah, to one of huge ongoing sadness, worry and personal trauma. We wish everyone strength at this moment in time, as the whole community know people in Israel who have suffered loss, with friends being displaced, hurt and undergoing great stress. Rabbi Anthony is around to help you in person, on the phone or through emails so you can offload your worries and share them with someone in the wider community.

This Shabbat we will be adding special prayers for the region. We are thinking especially of our family and friends, and hoping they should find strength and fortitude at this horrific time. There will be a chance to mention names of those you are especially thinking of, and losses you are especially mourning – if you would like any read out for you please write to RabbI Anthony at or me with the names you want mentioned.

Our thoughts are with you and we are here for you in sad as well as good times.

Community togetherness
The Masorti movement is holding a number of events to help the community at this difficult period.

Thursday 12th October  Masorti Worldwide Prayers, 6pm
The Masorti Movement in Israel together with Masorti Olami, MERCAZ Olami, USCJ and the International Rabbinical Assembly invite you to a worldwide prayer service for the safety of the captives, the healing of the wounded, the memory of the murdered and the safety and security of IDF soldiers, security and rescue forces and all citizens of Israel taking place on Thursday, October 12, at 6pm BST. Click here to register.

Thursday 12th October 8.30pm Online Psalms and Prayers for Israel,
Join our Masorti clergy for 10 minutes of prayers, followed by the opportunity to share reflections and concerns. Join us on Zoom here. These evening reflections may continue beyond this week.
For security reasons please do not share this Zoom link with anyone. When joining the Zoom please ensure your full name and the community you belong to are shown. 

Thursday 12th October 8.30pm, in person and online Open Space for Masorti Young Adults,
Join Rabbis Oliver Joseph and Lara Haft Yom-Tov in Finchley, together with other young adults from the Masorti movement, for psalms and reflections over tea. Please email for the address or zoom details.

Sunday 15th October   Voices on Israel: A Community Briefing, 6.30pm on Zoom
Join journalist Richard Miron and others (of whom, more details coming soon) for a political and strategic view of the conflict in Israel, in conversation with Senior Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg. Richard Miron is a former BBC Israel reporter and also worked for the UN in Israel for many years.
Click here to register. 


This is a busy time for everyone in the community and none less than for our Rabbi. On behalf of all the people that have said to me how much they have enjoyed the services and felt uplifted I would just like to add A BIG THANK YOU for all the services you have organised, lead and helped others to be part of the community.   







We would like to say a special thanks to everyone in the community who has helped in a myriad of ways over all the recent chagim period. This embraces, daveners, dvaristers, shofar sounders, Sukkah builders, Sukkah decorators,  Security, Schleppers, kiddish generators, tidier uppers as well as buyers and providers. It is so appreciated.  A special thanks to Gill Ross for being one of the Masterminders in getting things to the right place at the right time. Gill can now have a rest till the next barmitzvah which is Darwen Kafka.



Eva Grant 9/10, Mia Brummell 17/10, Beverley Ezekiel 18/10

Liane & Michael Alexander on their 36th wedding anniversary

Henry Altman remembering his mother, Anne, and his brother, Monty
Ian Nissenbaum remembering his father-in-law, Fred Sellman
Ian Nissenbaum remembering his first wife, Jennifer Nissenbaum
Sam Charkham remembering his mother, Regina
Philip Fraylich remembering his father, Manfred
Sass Ezekiel remembering his mother, Esther
Michael W Harris remembering his mother, Barbara
Avrille Newman remembering her mother, Esther Furman
David Morgale remembering his father, Leslie
Sam Charkham remembering his father, Monty
David Ross remembering his mother, Ruth


Refuah Schlemahs and Meetings with Rabbi Anthony 
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset
on a Friday.

Rabbi Anthony is always available to chat to congregants and can meet up also in your home. If you have any wishes, or ideas, please advise Rabbi Anthony


October 12, 2023