Mosaic Masorti News

Zoom in tonight to one of Rabbi Anthony’s learning sessions.  The session starts at 8pm. Look elsewhere in this bulletin for the zoom code.





Date for your diary
Following last week’s successful service and dinner at the home of Rabbi Anthony, there will be another service and a meal with Rabbi Anthony and his family on Friday 24th November. Please book now






There is so much sad and stressful news in and around the community and we reiterate that Rabbi Anthony and I are available, around the clock, to lend a listening ear to you. If you would like your family mentioned by name, or location where they are based in Israel, we will do so at the appropriate time in the service after our prayers for those that are not in the best of health.


It is now two weeks till we are having a fundraising lunch for MDA, as you will have read earlier in the recent bulletins at 12.30 on Thursday 23rd November. We would still like volunteers to assist with a number of schlepping activities:-

  • Table erecting
  • Table positioning
  • Table laying
  • Serving the delights on offer
  • Clearing away anything that might be left – unlikely
  • Taking down tables.

It will be great fun and a lunch with a difference. There is also going to be a raffle so you could go home with a special something to remember the day by. Come and join the team and be a supporter of the event and a supporter of the work MDA is doing to help those who are in need and need our support.

Weekly Bulletin
Look at the rest of the bulletin to see what is going on in our synagogue, as we try to do things which will suit everyone at different times.


One week from today on Thursday 16th November you can brush up on your bridge prowess, or show your word skills with scrabble and test your knowledge of your words bank of 3 letter words against other participants.  It is great fun and is held in our building. Refreshments are available.



Remember to remember Sunday the 19th November which is in 10 days time, in memory of our Jewish fallen heroes of years gone by worldwide. Come and join members of Mosaic at the cenotaph in London who show off their relative’s war medals, which were awarded following earlier conflicts.  It is a wonderful uplifting occasion. You can watch the march from good secure areas, behind barriers in Whitehall. CST will be in attendance as will the Metropolitan Police.


The Mosaic Masorti AGM is here at 8pm on Wednesday 22nd November.






Abraham’s tent to attract a  men’s orientated group is planning its next meeting.  This is being masterminded by Masorti members, Robert Pinkus ably assisted by Andy Dysch and Dave Scott. It covers all age groups – ideally  from 60 +.





Michael Morris 4/11, Frances Kafka 6/11, Max Alexander 7/11, Sinead Mydat 7/11, Jocelyn Axelrod 9/11, Gaynor Black 11/11

Danielle & David Kosky on their 36th wedding anniversary
Elaine & Simon Glass on their 37th wedding anniversary

Stuart Grabski remembering his mother, Gloria
Jack Kushner remembering his mother, Lena
Libby Carpus remembering her mother, Julienne Ruth Lewis
Mike Lewis remembering his wife, Julienne Ruth
Judith Usiskin remembering her father, Izu
Shelley Cooper remembering her father, David
Anthony Manton remembering his uncle, Henry Manton
Carole Orchover remembering her father, Ivor Emert
Ruth Soetendorp remembering her mother, Hannah Grant
Michael Dashwood remembering his mother, Debby
Anthony Alexander remembering his mother, Miriam
Carol Carlton remembering her mother, Toby Conway
Andrew Dysch remembering his mother, Naomi
Heather Eden remembering her mother, Faye Burns


Refuah Schlemahs and Meetings with Rabbi Anthony 
We always mention people who are unwell at the Shabbat service and to wish them a speedy recovery. If you would like a person mentioned, please notify by sunset
on a Friday.

Rabbi Anthony is always available to chat to congregants and can meet up also in your home. If you have any wishes, or ideas, please advise Rabbi Anthony


November 9, 2023