Kabbalat Shabbat b’bayit with potluck dinner. Following these successful evenings. please note the new dates for your diaries: 4th November and 9th December – venues to be announced.
The evenings start with a musical, contemplative Kabbalat Shabbat at 6.30 and dinner at 7.30. People are welcome to come for all or some of the evening and don’t be afraid to come if you can only make it for the food!
You will be asked to bring a vegetarian or fish meal for a pot luck dinner and if you require Rabbinically supervised food (KLBD), please let us know.
We will ask people to RSVP so that we have an idea of numbers and can share the address. Numbers will be limited so “first come, first served!”. Please email rabbianna@choosemosaic.org
If you’d like to offer your home for one of these potluck dinners, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Rabbi Anna Wolfson rabbianna@choosemosaic.org