If you have not already donated funds towards the Afghan Refugee crisis, and would like to know where to donate, can we suggest either JCORE (the Jewish Council for Racial Equality) https://www.jcore.org.uk/ or  World Jewish Relief, https://www.worldjewishrelief.org/.

Also, the Board of Deputies has a page of information about how we can help:  https://www.bod.org.uk/bod-news/how-we-can-help-refugees-from-afghanistan/

Goods For Good is a small charity in Watford, which has both UK companies and the community donating essential goods for vulnerable communities in the UK and overseas.  With regard to helping Afghan refugees, they have mountains of clothing and other essential goods which were collected by Bushey United Synagogue, and they need volunteers to sort and pack these goods, which need to be cleared from a private house by the end of September.  

If anyone would like to volunteer to help in this way, please contact sarah@goodsforgood.org.uk and she can advise of the dates/times at the Goods For Good facility at 100 Cecil Street, Watford WD24 5AD.

If you would rather donate funds or essential goods, the best way for us to help is detailed in the Goods for Good newsletter – which you can read at https://mailchi.mp/goodsforgood/august-2021-newsletter

Care4Calais – https://care4calais.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpreJBhDvARIsAF1_BU2hdbSXVmD_XQLy9k08aX6ND-fle7HEE_2xiUdSc8VtxKvJd_vGh-oaAsVWEALw_wcB – operates several collection points for clothes, toys, smart phones and other items needed. See their drop-off map: https://care4calais.org/thedropoffmap/ (Ruislip, Amersham, Chalfont St. Giles are probably the closest to us).

Currently, they are in need of the following:  Men’s new underwear and socks , Toiletries especially deodorant, Trainers size 7/8/9/9.5, Men’s t-shirts, Men’s Jeans, Tracksuits / sports clothes, Note pads pens, English dictionaries

Thank you for helping people who have arrived here, frightened and traumatised, having lost all their worldly possessions.

September 2, 2021