CST Training Course in Belmont

A course will take place on Tuesday evenings 22nd, 29th January & 5th of February 2019 in the Belmont area, from 7.30pm until 10.30pm.

In order to participate on the course you MUST first complete the online registration form on CST’s website which can be found here: Course Registration

For further information see CST flyer here

CST wants to ensure that people have the training they need for when they do security at their synagogue. They deeply appreciate the part that these volunteers play in helping to secure our community. In 2016 they built a new training course to meet those needs. To date over 1000 volunteers from all over the UK have attended this course.

The training teaches the essentials of security work, in a concentrated space of time. It is ideal for those who already participate in voluntary security but have minimal knowledge of what to actually do. It will also provide an excellent basis if you want to learn more and go on to a more senior security role, either locally at your synagogue or more broadly as a full volunteer member of CST.

The course lasts nine hours and is taught over 3 evenings. The first 2 sessions are theory based with the final session being a more physical class. Upon completion, participants will become a Security Support Officer affiliated to CST. To become affiliated to CST, participants must be aged between 18 and 65, but we do appreciate some people fall outside the age range. For those that do, they can still attend the training and benefit from the knowledge gained, but will not be affiliated to CST on completion. Once CST has received and approved your application, you will receive a confirmation email. Unfortunately,they will not be able to admit anyone for training who has not gone through this application procedure.

Should you have any questions regarding this course or anything to do with CST, please do not hesitate to contact them by email or by calling 020 8457 9988.

For further information see more details here

January 3, 2019