High Holyday Services – Updated Arrangements

As you will know from recent notifications, we had hoped to have all forthcoming High Holyday Services in our new building, but unfortunately have to announce a slight delay.

The fabric of the building is complete and we are delighted to say our new home is looking terrific, inside and out.

Unfortunately, however, the perimeter security fences are not in place yet. While these have now just been approved by the CST and the Police, so the railings and gates can be built and fitted as soon as possible, regrettably it is not possible for this work to be completed in time for Rosh HaShanah.

The good news is that we have arranged alternative accommodation at the Masonic Centre, Northwick Circle, Kenton, Middx, HA3 0EL, where our Rosh HaShanah services will be held with exactly the same timings and arrangements as are shown on your tickets for Stanmore.

By the time we get to Rosh HaShanah, we will have confirmation of the security fencing delivery timetable and will either confirm arrangements for Yom Kippur in Stanmore or advise you of alternative arrangements if necessary.

We send you all good wishes for a healthy and happy New Year and look forward to welcoming you to our Services over the High Holydays.

Best wishes, Rabbi Kathleen de Magtige-Middleton and Harry Grant

September 22, 2022