Assisting our Care Team of Angela Peters in supporting the wellbeing of the older and less able members of our community. This could be by befriending, visiting, and providing lifts or help with shopping or food preparation. Other support includes arranging events and outings to provide variety and stimulus for people who might otherwise be house-bound
Volunteering Internal Requests
Care Team
Chevra Kadisha
Joining the Chevra Kadisha, Holy Society, helping with the great mitzvot of taking care of our members on their final journey when they die. The Chevra Kadisha is a group of Jewish people who care for the deceased to prepare them for burial, involving taharah, the ritual washing and dressing of the deceased person. This is a very personal and sensitive role and we are looking for a small team of volunteers, both men and women, to be trained in this special duty, which is normally undertaken at Calos the undertakers in Edgware.
Social Justice
Expanding our Social Justice work in line with the Jewish principle of Tikkun HaOlam – repairing the world. We want to organise a multi-faith refugee drop in centre in the Synagogue building and also participate in local multicultural activities
Keeping us at the forefront with Social Media
This is an activity which may appeal to a couple of younger more tech-savvy members. We are looking for people who can see how our members use social media and get them to promote activities and events, be aware of the social media activities of local community/media organisations and Jewish media/community organisations and attend Mosaic events and write good content about them with suitable images – covering Instagram, Twitter (now called X) and Facebook and promote forthcoming Culture Hub events on social media platforms. We also need to engage with people online who contact us via the social media accounts and ensure we respond especially with non-members.