A Panel on Liberation Theology
Wednesday, 18th September @ 7:30 pm
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What Would a Jewish Liberation Theology Look Like?
A discussion and panel chaired by Dr Joseph Finlay, with Rabbis Judith Rosen Berry, Leah Jordan, Robyn Ashworth-Steen, Daniel Lichman and Anthony Lazarus Magrill.
The concept of liberation theology was coined in the late 1960s by radical Catholic Priests in South America. It calls for religious groups to support the poor and downtrodden and dedicate themselves to overthrowing oppressive structures, building Godly societies in the here and now. Other groups which developed forms of liberation theology included African Americans and Dalits in India.
The idea of liberation theology has not been popularised in the Jewish world. This panel will consider if this should change and what form a Jewish liberation theology might take. What insights might it offer in terms of poverty, inequality and oppression? What Jewish texts might we rely on in order to build it? Are there elements of Jewish history that could offer insights? How might this intersect with issues of indigineity, migration and settlement? How might it impact on our approach to Israel/Palestine?
Come and join a thoughtful and nuanced conversation with some leading Jewish voices in this area. We will leave plenty of time for questions and discussion.