Meet the Lord Lieutenant for Hertfordshire

Sunday, December 6

David Safir will introduce Robert Voss, CBE CStJ, at 4.00 pm.

He was awarded a CBE “for services to British Industry and voluntary work in the UK” in the New Year’s Honours List of 2014 and was appointed Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire by The Queen in 2017, a position he will hold until 2028.

Robert spent 40 years in the commodity business, was elected President of the British Metals Association at the age of 31 is a judge and mentor for Young Enterprise and has been a regular judge of The National Business Awards since 2006

HM the Queen appoints a Lord Lieutenant for each county on the advice of the Prime Minister, who consults widely in the county concerned. Lord Lieutenants cover all areas of the UK.  The Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire is Her Majesty’s representative within the county, and it is his first and foremost duty to uphold the dignity of the Crown. Lord Lieutenants are not political figures.

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