Come & Meet our Prospective New Rabbi

Friday, March 15

The Trustees and HEMS Council cordially invite all HEMS members to meet 2 Prospective Rabbis for Masorti Judaism and our community. Candidates will individually spend one weekend at our synagogue:
Friday Evening 15th at 7.00 pm (at the home of Richard Buchalter & Traci Spivak – now full) & Shabbat Kiddush lunch 16th March
Friday Evening 22nd at 7.00 pm (at the home of Simon & Elaine Glass)  & Shabbat Kiddush lunch 23rd March
We ask you to R.S.V.P. for all members of your family, showing their wish to attend for Friday night dinners, Shabbat day lunches and Havdallahs, indicating the dates of each. Donations gratefully received as there is no charge to members for any of these events. R.S.V.P.  Please save the dates in your diary so that you will be free to join us in getting to know the candidates.