Mosaic Liberal Synagogue (formerly Harrow & Wembley Progressive Synagogue) is affiliated to Liberal Judaism. Liberal Judaism reverences Jewish tradition, and seeks to preserve the values of the Judaism of the past while giving them contemporary force. It aspires to a Judaism that is always an active force for good in the lives of Jewish individuals, families and communities today, and equally makes its contribution to the betterment of society. Liberal Judaism believes in equiliniality – that is, a child is Jewish whether the mother OR father is Jewish as long as s/he is raised and educated in the Jewish traditions.
Mosaic Liberal is a founder member, together with Mosaic Masorti and Mosaic Reform, of the Mosaic Jewish Community which brings three progressive Congregations together to share many aspects of Communal life such as Religion School, Adult Education and social activities. Mosaic Liberal has evolved over the last 75 years and we will continue to do so in co-operation with our friends from Mosaic Masorti and Mosaic Reform. We shared premises with Mosaic Reform in Harrow from 2011 and from December 2022 we share the Mosaic Jewish Community building in Stanmore.
Services are held each Shabbat (Friday evenings at 7.00pm and Saturday mornings at 11.00am), and we celebrate all the Festivals and hold a Communal Seder on second night Passover. Our prayer book with its modern liturgy is called Siddur Lev Chadash, which means, literally, “Service of the New Heart”. This prayer book was introduced nearly sixteen years ago and our former Rabbi, Dr Charles H. Middleburgh, was the associate editor. The services are led by the Rabbi in Hebrew and English, and all are welcome to join in with the reading and singing. Our wonderful professional choir enables us to pray with sincerity, spirituality and warmth. Our services are quite short and avoid repetition and are conducted with order and decorum – less buzz, more focus!
We engage with our members through many different projects and programmes and join with them in their journey through all life cycle events – both joyous and sad. We welcome members from every strand of Judaism as well as their non-Jewish partners. Jews previously unaffiliated to any synagogue will find with us a warm spiritual home.
Membership fees include burial or cremation and Liberal Judaism now also offers woodland burial and mixed faith burial allowing a non-Jewish partner to be buried together with their Jewish partner.
Mosaic Liberal is custodian to one of the Czech Memorial Scrolls – find out more