Kabbalat Torah, takes place after Bar or Bat Mitzvah at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Liberal Judaism has long regarded Kabbalat Torah as an important ceremony because it
prolongs the period of formal religious education.
The confirmees benefit from studying as a mature group with Rabbi Rachel Benjamin and Rabbi Kathleen de Magtige-Middleton. In addition to studying Hebrew and Jewish texts, in Kabbalat Torah particular emphasis is placed on study of the Holocaust, in particular altruism and resistance.
Every year, the class go on a 4-day trip abroad to bring these studies to life and complete a project reflecting what they’ve experienced. This forms a key element of the annual Kabbalat Torah service, itself a highlight of the congregation’s calendar. Previous destinations have included Berlin, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Lodz.
Traditionally emanating from Liberal Judaism, Kabbalat Torah is offered to all young people in HaMakom, our religion school, following their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, and is open to all young people within the Mosaic community and beyond.
For more information on Kabbalat Torah, contact us .