
Read About Mosaic in the FT

13th February

Click on the link below to read the article that appeared in the FT.  Scroll down until you reach the paragraph beginning “The drivers for development”

Urban congregations put their faith in development projects


Kiddush – Saturday 15th February

13th February

Mazal tov to Beth Witte on her Bat Mitzvah.  Mazal tov also to proud parents, Zoe & Daniel Witte.

Congregants are invited to join Beth and her family after the services to celebrate this special occasion.

Kiddush – Saturday 8th February

6th February

Mazal tov to Chanan Shuall on his 80th birthday.

Congregants are invited to join Chanan after the services to celebrate this special occasion.

Letter from the Prime Minister’s Office

30th January

Please click on the attached letter from the Prime Minister’s Office following his recent visit to Auschwitz.

Commission on Anti-Semitism

23rd January

The Board of Deputies’ Commission on Antisemitism, chaired by Lord Mann and Penny Mordaunt, is inviting written submissions as part of the call for evidence.  If you wish to make a submission, please follow the guidelines as set out at

Judaica Shop – Seder Plates

23rd January

Continuing our Judaica Shop clearance sale, why not take this opportunity to purchase a new Seder plate for yourself or as a gift?  See the items available in the photo and contact for further information.

Many books are also available for you to purchase.

Drop-In Collection Event

23rd January

Please start collecting items for our Drop-In Collection Event on Sunday 23rd February 12.30 – 2.30 pm.  Click this link for information about the items that are required

Lost Property

23rd January

Do you recognise any of the items in this photo?  They have all been left in the cloakroom for variying lengths of time.  Anything not claimed by 31st January will be taken to a charity shop.  Please contact the office as soon as possible if anything belongs to you.  ... read more

Kiddush – Saturday 25th January

23rd January

Mazal tov to David Rauch on his 75th birthday.

Congregants are invited to join David after the services to celebrate this special occasion.

Kiddush – Saturday 18th January

16th January

Mazal tov to Judith Sonnenberg on her birthday.

Congregants are invited to join Judith after the services to celebrate this special occasion.