Thought for the Week

Thursday, November 18

All the Jewish festivals move around so one has to look when they are in the luach. The beauty about the AJEX Remembrance Day Sunday at the cenotaph is that it is always one week after the National memorial.  What a day. What a sense of togetherness.

I have been attending the Whitehall ceremony for 43 years. People have got older. People have passed away and then we now have the youth coming along and JFS, amongst other schools, have a contingent of tomorrow’s adults, as do the Cubs, Brownies, Guides, Scouts and JLGB honouring relatives and friends of relatives and many unknown soldiers, seamen and Air Force personnel.  We at Mosaic have a small dedicated group of marchers and it is a mitzvah to remember the past. We march under the Stoke on Trent Banner, as their community is too elderly to make the 3-hour drive and come to the cenotaph in London.   Please come along and support the marchers and honour those who gave their lives to make our lives safer and better.

If you do not want to come to Whitehall for the AJEX march, you can partake in other mitzvahs this Sunday for the community to help others.  I was so  touched by reading the item about making mezuzot to send to Belarus. The new Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre in London, is going to remember those that perished, every day of the year, as opposed to just on a few specific days.  Painting a stone is a memory for tomorrow from yesterday. All ages can take part and I think it is a family get-together set of events which, if it was not clashing with the AJEX march, would have attracted me. I wish everyone enjoyment in continuing the help theme by supporting the Harrow Food Bank. It goes hand  in hand with thinking and making people feel positive.

Edwin Lucas, Joint Chairman Mosaic Masorti

November 18, 2021