The fun and frolics of Purim are nearly upon us. The festival of Purim celebrates Queen Esther (yay) and her uncle Mordecai’s (yay) success in foiling Haman’s (boo) plan to murder all the Jews in Shushan. A common tail in a Jewish festival, they tried to kill us, we failed, and now we eat. On Purim, we are not just commanded to eat but to really let loose. In the scroll of Esther 9:23 we read; ‘[Adar]…the same days on which the Jews enjoyed relief from their foes and the same month which had been transformed for them from one of grief and mourning to one of festive joy…’ The Hebrew for the word translated here as transformed is, nahafokh which means to turn over. Purim is a time where everything is turned on its head through silliness, satire, costumes and drinking. We are commanded to gift mishloach manot, gifts of food to our friends and neighbours, and give charity to at least two people in need. The carnivalesque nature of Purim makes a dark story a true celebration and asks us to subvert, or turn on its head, the way we look at ourselves, each other and the world, even if it is just for one festival. Looking forward to celebrating with many of you.
For further details of Mosaic’s Purim celebrations, please see the newsletter below.
Rabbi Anna