Learning at Mosaic

Mosaic offers a wide variety of Adult Education classes and programmes led by our Rabbis, including regular sessions on Saturday mornings at 9:30am prior to the Shabbat morning services of Mosaic Liberal and Mosaic Reform.

For details of the current Adult Education Programme, please see the calendar or below.

For more information about the Adult Education currently on offer, contact Rabbi Kathleen de Magtige-Middleton, Rabbi Anthony Lazarus Magrill or Rabbi Daisy Bogod.


Upcoming Education:

“Untangling Our Tradition”

Tuesday, 18th February @ 8:00 pm

Join one of our Rabbis for a session of “Untangling Our Tradition” which will now be held in-person.

This session will cover “The Synagogue”.


Talmud Class

Monday, 24th February @ 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Talmud Class with Rabbi Anthony on a weekly basis during (roughly) school terms, This is accessible to all, whatever your previous experience of Jewish learning, and texts will be provided in translation. All Mosaic members and friends are very welcome.

This class is only available via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 0548 5159


“Untangling Our Tradition”

Tuesday, 25th February @ 8:00 pm

Join one of our Rabbis for a session of “Untangling Our Tradition” which will now be held in-person.

This session will cover “Life after Death/Immortality”.


Talmud Class

Monday, 3rd March @ 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Talmud Class with Rabbi Anthony on a weekly basis during (roughly) school terms, This is accessible to all, whatever your previous experience of Jewish learning, and texts will be provided in translation. All Mosaic members and friends are very welcome.

This class is only available via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 0548 5159


“Untangling Our Tradition”

Tuesday, 4th March @ 8:00 pm

Join one of our Rabbis for a session of “Untangling Our Tradition” which will now be held in-person.

This session will cover “What is Judaism? The Calendar”.


Talmud Class

Monday, 10th March @ 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Talmud Class with Rabbi Anthony on a weekly basis during (roughly) school terms, This is accessible to all, whatever your previous experience of Jewish learning, and texts will be provided in translation. All Mosaic members and friends are very welcome.

This class is only available via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 0548 5159


“Untangling Our Tradition”

Tuesday, 11th March @ 8:00 pm

Join one of our Rabbis for a session of “Untangling Our Tradition” which will now be held in-person.

This session will cover “Purim”.


Talmud Class

Monday, 17th March @ 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Talmud Class with Rabbi Anthony on a weekly basis during (roughly) school terms, This is accessible to all, whatever your previous experience of Jewish learning, and texts will be provided in translation. All Mosaic members and friends are very welcome.

This class is only available via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 0548 5159