
CAMEO – standing for Come and Meet Each Other – is a support group for those who have recently lost a loved one. It aims not to eradicate loneliness, but offers to bring comfort and some very practical ways to lessen the hurt that is symptomatic of those of us ‘left alone’, usually but not always, after losing a loved one.

Bobbi Riesel’s initiative began on 7th April in the informal surroundings of the Youth Lounge at Mosaic Reform. Some twenty people across the Mosaic community were certainly not lonely that afternoon as they sat in a circle to discuss how best the group could go forward and what to do between the proposed monthly meetings. It soon became obvious that this would be a ‘self-help’ group, with the members taking on the task of organising events wherever possible. It was heartening to find that many were happy to act on their suggestions to make them happen. Among the proposed activities were walks, theatre outings, restaurant meals together, talks, quizzes, visits to galleries and much more. There were no mentions of any particularly strenuous programmes, at least physically.

For those who feel it might be useful, time is set aside before the Sunday afternoon get-togethers for group therapy. Rabbi Kathleen de Magtige-Middleton’s presence at the meeting and her words of wisdom and encouragement are much appreciated.

CAMEO meets between 3pm and 5pm on the first Sunday of each month. Details of the next CAMEO meeting can be found in the calendar, and for more information contact us