
Keep up to date with the latest events from Mosaic.

For details of regular Shabbat Services, see one of the following pages: Liberal | Masorti | Reform

What's On:

Film Mosaic – “Ushpizin”

Monday, 9th September @ 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm

Mosaic Culture Hub is thrilled to invite you to the film evening at Mosaic Jewish Community

For a viewing of “Ushpizin”

Click “more” below for details of the film.

Film MOSAIC is open to anyone, why not bring a friend.

There will be time for an informal discussion or a chat with friends, with tea, coffee and biscuits after the screening.

Donations for our chosen charity would be appreciated if you care to give.

Read more →

Mosaic Melody Makers

Wednesday, 11th September @ 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Come together to sing at Mosaic.  From Musical to Motown and everything in between.  Requests welcome!  Please contact to register your interest.

Israeli Dancing at Mosaic

Thursday, 12th September @ 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Continuing on alternate weeks.
There is no formal charge for this but your donation, including refreshments, would be appreciated.

(Please wear supportive shoes such as trainers)

Calling all university students, Freshers and Families

Thursday, 12th September @ 6:00 pm

An evening exploring student life, finding community, being Jewish on campus with Sami Berkoff, UJS President.

Join your Rabbis and university experts who can support and enrich your time on campus.

There will be spaces for students and parents to learn and ask questions together and apart, and a light dinner will be provided

Open this link to register:

Shabbat Beiteinu with Potluck Dinner

Friday, 13th September @ 6:30 pm

Choose between a joint Liberal/Reform service 6.30 (also via Zoom) or a Masorti service at 6.45 followed by dinner at 7.30. People are welcome to come for all or some of the evening and don’t be afraid to come if you can only make it for the food!

Please bring a vegetarian or fish meal for a potluck dinner and if you require Rabbinically supervised food (KLBD), please let us know.

We are asking people to RSVP so that we have an idea of the numbers.  Please email Rabbi Anna at 

Mosaic Creative Writing Course

Monday, 16th September @ 10:30 am

Sue Krisman, Mosaic Masorti member, is a novelist, playwright and lecturer.  She was formerly Creative Writing Fellow at Reading University and has lectured at Limmud and Spiro’s Ark.

Please join us for the next session, for which there will be a £5 charge payable on the day.  After this session there will be a further break until Monday 4th November.

Please email us to let us know you’re coming. 

Your Help is Needed Please

Wednesday, 18th September @ 10:00 am

The Community Care Co-ordinators, Angela and Sandie, will be gift wrapping and delivering honey cakes to some members of the community on Wednesday 18th September at 10.00 am.  If you can spare some time to help, including delivery, they would love you to join them.  Please email  to let us know you’re coming.

A Panel on Liberation Theology

Wednesday, 18th September @ 7:30 pm

What Would a Jewish Liberation Theology Look Like?

A discussion and panel chaired by Dr Joseph Finlay, with Rabbis Judith Rosen Berry, Leah Jordan, Robyn Ashworth-Steen, Daniel Lichman and Anthony Lazarus Magrill.

The concept of liberation theology was coined in the late 1960s by radical Catholic Priests in South America. It calls for religious groups to support the poor and downtrodden and dedicate themselves to overthrowing oppressive structures, building Godly societies in the here and now. Other groups which developed forms of liberation theology included African Americans and Dalits in India.

The idea of liberation theology has not been popularised in the Jewish world. This panel will consider if this should change and what form a Jewish liberation theology might take. What insights might it offer in terms of poverty, inequality and oppression? What Jewish texts might we rely on in order to build it? Are there elements of Jewish history that could offer insights? How might this intersect with issues of indigineity, migration and settlement? How might it impact on our approach to Israel/Palestine?

Come and join a thoughtful and nuanced conversation with some leading Jewish voices in this area. We will leave plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Honey Cake Bake-In

Thursday, 19th September @ 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

We will be having our annual joint effort to make our own tasty honey cakes to serve over Rosh Hashanah.

If you are happy to participate in producing cakes for the community and some for members who are on their own at home, we invite you to come along from 10.00 am – 3.00 pm.

Just bring an apron, roll up your sleeves and BAKE.  Please contact the office to let us know you’re coming and whether you will be joining the morning or afternoon session.

Stay and Play at HaMakom

Sunday, 22nd September @ 9:45 am to 11:15 am

Parents and grandparents together with their children/grandchildren aged 0-5 years, are invited to “Stay and Play” at HaMakom.  Take part in fun activities with a Jewish theme, make new friends, join in break time with older siblings/friends, see a little of what is done at HaMakom and meet other parents/grandparents.

Israeli Dancing at Mosaic – Changed time, today only!

Thursday, 26th September @ 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Continuing on alternate weeks.
There is no formal charge for this but your donation, including refreshments, would be appreciated.

(Please wear supportive shoes such as trainers)

High Holyday Selichot Services

Saturday, 28th September @ 9:00 pm

These services of repentance and supplication are recited from Motzei Shabbat at least four days before Rosh Hashanah. The Shofar on Rosh Hashanah will call out: ‘Wake up, you sleepers, from your sleep! Arise, you slumberers, from your slumber!’ Selichot, anticipating this moment, are recited in the middle of the night or just before morning prayers.

We will gather at the synagogue at 9.00 pm to share some nigunim (gentle tunes), legends and stories for the coming season of Teshuvah – please bring your own contributions! At 10.00 pm there will be separate Selichot services for Masorti, Liberal and Reform.



As well as the events listed above you can also see what’s on in our calendar, and see the pages for our regular weekly and monthly events including:

Adult Education | Book Group | Cook team | Film Group | Friendship Clubs | Library | Photo Group | Walks | Cameo | Befrienders